How fit do you need to be, to hike Table Mountain?

Table Mountain is no walk in the park. There is no easy stroll that will take you to the top. So, how fit do you need to be, to hike Table Mountain? Fitness is a subjective judgement and one person’s very fit is another person’s not fit.

You need to do regular moderate to strenuous exercise on a weekly basis. That would be 2 to three times a week, run, walk hills, cycle or gym workout. Age is a factor and I know this from personal experience! While younger people are often able to get away with a sedentary lifestyle and yet are able to hike up with ease. Others (shall I say over 50’s) need to be more active in order to complete the hike without too much blood, sweat and tears.

All the routes up Table Mountain are steep and stepped. The terrain is mostly rock steps, the footing is uneven in places and therefore good balance is helpful, particularly if you are hiking down. Lions Head requires use of hands while India Venster has a few serious scrambles. The latter is not for everyone. You need an adventurous spirit and good upper body strength to pull yourself up the rocks.

If you’re not sure what route is for you or if you’re wondering if you are fit enough, please ask for guidance and I’ll be happy to assist. This way, you will know just how fit you need to be, to hike Table Mountain.

Just how fit do you need to be, to hike Table Mountain?

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